The field of organometallic chemistry has enjoyed explosive growth in recent years. During this time a rapidly increasing number of metals have found utility in organic synthesis as the corresponding organometallic compounds. The sub ject of "Organic Synthesis by Means of Transition Metal Complexes" was reviewed in the first volume of this series of monographs. This volume deals primarily with the appli cation of organomercury compounds in organic synthesis (exclusive of solvomercuration-demercuration reactions), but will of necessity involve a number of reactions of other organometallics as...
The field of organometallic chemistry has enjoyed explosive growth in recent years. During this time a rapidly increasing number of metals have found ...
The widespread utilization of organometallic reagents in organic synthesis has been one of the major developments in organic chemistry in recent years. The earlier Springer monograph entitled "Organic Synthesis by Means of Trans i- tion Metal Complexes" covered many of the more recent advances in this area. The present volume covers applica- tions of the very valuable solvomercuration-demercuration sequence in organic synthesis. Organomercurials have played an important role in organic chemistry for over a century. They have been known since 1852 and major monographs covering their chemistry...
The widespread utilization of organometallic reagents in organic synthesis has been one of the major developments in organic chemistry in recent years...