The early development of the mammalian embryo belongs to a period which, for the student, provides the particularly deep fascination connected with the processes of germination of the fIrst tender buds of life. Moreover, developmental biology encompasses a very large part of biology; if broadly dermed - almost all of it. The same is true for the fIeld of pathology if the manifold possibilities of disorders of the orderly arranged pathways of developmental processes are considered. Normal development in its earliest steps - and it would be diffI cult to see it otherwise - means the functioning...
The early development of the mammalian embryo belongs to a period which, for the student, provides the particularly deep fascination connected with th...
The last decade has seen remarkable advances in human ge netics. Once the correct chromosome number of the human genome was ascertained, a wide variety of diseases was rec ognized as due to numerical chromosome anomalies. There followed the discovery that spontaneous abortions are the result of chromosome errors, and specific band patterns of chromosomes allowed identification of minute lesions. The techniques of cell hybridization now allow specific gene assign ment to chromosomes and even to distinct loci on their arms. All this was possible because of the ease with which metaphase...
The last decade has seen remarkable advances in human ge netics. Once the correct chromosome number of the human genome was ascertained, a wide variet...
Laboratory Animal Medicine has made enor We deeply appreciate the efforts of each of the mous strides in the 47 years since R. Jaffe published authors and co-authors of the 23 chapters in this his "Anatomy and Pathology of Spontaneous Dis two volume work. In some instances the reader will eases of Small Laboratory Animals" in 1931. So note what appears to be repetition in certain chap ters. This repetition was allowed to stand in some much new information had accumulated that in a cases because different approaches seemed useful, new edition in 1958, Jaffe, aided by Cohrs and Meessen, needed...
Laboratory Animal Medicine has made enor We deeply appreciate the efforts of each of the mous strides in the 47 years since R. Jaffe published authors...
To many, the contents of this conference may not seem appropriate at a time when the minds are preoccupied with a "population explosion." To the participants and guests of this conference, however, this was a week of fascinating discussions. While quantitative aspects of reproduc- tion were touched upon, it was mostly a search for an understanding of the qualitative aspects of reproduction and its failure. Only when we understand these more completely will it be possible to render optimum care and have the foundations for meaningful population control. The conference was conceived in...
To many, the contents of this conference may not seem appropriate at a time when the minds are preoccupied with a "population explosion." To the parti...