"Remy Elephant Sees the World, A Magical Journey the Heart Beholds" follows the adventures of a witty baby elephant. With a big heart, sheer determination and a little magic Remy realizes her dream. Come along with Remy to play with Tuareg kids in Africa, sing with Arcadian shepherds in Greece and celebrate the sacred rain with Hindu children at the Kailash Temple in India. Subjects: I. Endangered mammals and varied marine wildlife - African Elephant, white Bengal tiger, red Panda, blue whale, seahorse, giant squid, jellyfish and star fish. II. Fiction - Fantasy travel, childhood to teenage...
"Remy Elephant Sees the World, A Magical Journey the Heart Beholds" follows the adventures of a witty baby elephant. With a big heart, sheer determina...
In a small Ivory Coast village, a desperate little girl cries for help. Remy, the wonderful elephant who once traveled the world, answers Grace's plea. And so the adventures begin... Remy sets on a magical journey through Africa and India. Along the way she helps children overcome extreme adversity. In turn, they hand over special gifts that carry the powers of love, friendship and healing. No matter their place, faith, ethnicity and race, they are all God's children.
In a small Ivory Coast village, a desperate little girl cries for help. Remy, the wonderful elephant who once traveled the world, answers Grace's plea...