A half-Choctaw woman, who describes herself as always "in-between," tells the story of her life and that of a soldier in north Louisiana during the Civil War. The heart of the tale involves a journey of rescue. Her state of "in-between" takes on new meanings as she is drawn ever deeper into the turmoil of the times. Passion, self-doubt, and malice finally threaten her existence in any condition.
A half-Choctaw woman, who describes herself as always "in-between," tells the story of her life and that of a soldier in north Louisiana during the Ci...
From prehistoric relatives to post-endangered status, Ouchley provides a comprehensive review of the alligator, an iconic southern creature. Michael K. Steinberg, author of Stalking the Ghost Bird The conservation of the American alligator is one of history s best examples of the sustainable-use model for wildlife conservation. The effort to preserve the alligator has contributed to the conservation of wetlands and many other wetland-dependent species throughout its range. Ouchley does an outstanding job of explaining the mysteries of this keystone species. Robert Barham,...
From prehistoric relatives to post-endangered status, Ouchley provides a comprehensive review of the alligator, an iconic southern creature. Michael K...