A cappella Zoo (ISSN: 1945-7480) is a magazine of magical realist and experimental writing from around the world. Issue 3 . Fall 2009 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Micah Unice. READERS: Michael James Wilson, Zach Buscher, Rhian Waller, Janet McClaskey, Carol Dorf, and Brandon Ibarra. COVER ART by Orna Ben-Shoshan and Prartho Sereno. FICTION by J. S. Simmons, Roxane Gay, John Jasper Owens, Eliza C. Walton, Alex Phillips, Travis Hubbs, Heather Momyer, Alexander Weinstein, Sean Thomas, Deborah Walker, Pete Pazmino, Rachel Lieberman, Lora Rivera, Jon McRae, Richard Radford, Phoebe Wilcox, and Niall Boyce....
A cappella Zoo (ISSN: 1945-7480) is a magazine of magical realist and experimental writing from around the world. Issue 3 . Fall 2009 ASSISTANT EDITOR...
A cappella Zoo (ISSN: 1945-7480) is a journal of magic realism and slipstream. Issue 4 . Spring 2010 ASSISTANT EDITORS: Michael James Wilson, Amanda DiSanto, Micah Unice. READERS: Gail Spencer, Rolli, Rhian Waller, Gwen James, Zach Buscher. LANGUAGE CONSULTANTS: Meiron Cramer (Hebrew), Vilis Kasims (Latvian). COVER ART by Sarah Walko, Meagan Jenigan. INTERIOR ART by Peter L. Scacco. DRAMA by Francis DiClemente. FICTION by Rob E. Boley, Rae Bryant, Matt Carney, Maria Deira, Gabe Durham, Greg Gerke, Kyle Hemmings, Robert Hinderliter, Jennifer Koe, Larry Lefkowitz, Ben Loory, Ieva Melvalve,...
A cappella Zoo (ISSN: 1945-7480) is a journal of magic realism and slipstream. Issue 4 . Spring 2010 ASSISTANT EDITORS: Michael James Wilson, Amanda D...