Ukraina is a western transliteration of how the name sounds in its own tongue (oo'-krah-ee'-nuh.) In English it means, "Borderland," and rightfully so, for it lies across the borders of continents. The largest country in Europe, Ukraina blends into Asia as it stretches eastward. One end is west of Athens, the other end is east of Moscow, and the great Dnipro River divides the land nearly in two. West of the Dnipro, the land and people look to Europe. East of that river, Ukraina looks to Russia, the Caspian Sea, and the vast stretches of Asia beyond. When one sets out upon the adventure of...
Ukraina is a western transliteration of how the name sounds in its own tongue (oo'-krah-ee'-nuh.) In English it means, "Borderland," and rightfully so...