The book is an appreciation of the life and times of a man whose 98 years of life spanned parts of both the 19th. and 20th. Centuries, beginning life as a British colonial subject and ending as a proud son of an independent nation - Dominica. Throughout his long life he served his community and country as a college-trained headmaster, farmer and politician, with a disciplined integrity, passion and commitment that clearly set him apart. His ideas were humane and some uncannily prophetic yet accurate in their outcome. The Author believes that his life and that of countless similar contributors...
The book is an appreciation of the life and times of a man whose 98 years of life spanned parts of both the 19th. and 20th. Centuries, beginning life ...
ECHOES & MEMORIES By Clayton Didier The poems in this book, the author trusts, will open for readers another delightful window on one of the world's most interesting areas and peoples, the magical Caribbean. There will emerge, hopefully, a more intimate insight into the poet's own mind and a feeling of association with his country of birth - the Commonwealth of Dominica, enchantingly known as the 'Nature Isle'. That insight will come via a distillation of the meaning of a revisit through the poet's own life - his trials and tribulatiions, but also treasures and triumphs. Beginning with a...
ECHOES & MEMORIES By Clayton Didier The poems in this book, the author trusts, will open for readers another delightful window on one of the world's m...