When a young woman dies three years after a brutal assault, newly arrived pathologist Elliot Morgan reluctantly agrees to perform the autopsy. Though initially of uncertain significance, the discovery of an unexpected lesion ultimately ignites a quest with surprising twists and turns as an unusual virus is traced through the community. After a chance meeting, Rachel Anderson and Dr. Morgan find themselves drawn to one another. Together, as their lives become increasingly intertwined, they unknowingly threaten the perimeter of something bigger than an isolated crime of passion. Framed in the...
When a young woman dies three years after a brutal assault, newly arrived pathologist Elliot Morgan reluctantly agrees to perform the autopsy. Though ...
When a young woman dies three years after a brutal assault, newly arrived pathologist Elliot Morgan reluctantly agrees to perform the autopsy. Though initially of uncertain significance, the discovery of an unexpected lesion ultimately ignites a quest with surprising twists and turns as an unusual virus is traced through the community. After a chance meeting, Rachel Anderson and Dr. Morgan find themselves drawn to one another. Together, as their lives become increasingly intertwined, they unknowingly threaten the perimeter of something bigger than an isolated crime of passion. Framed in the...
When a young woman dies three years after a brutal assault, newly arrived pathologist Elliot Morgan reluctantly agrees to perform the autopsy. Though ...