Sam O'Brian, a pudgy, aging world-renowned newsman, now Editor-in-chief for The Albany Daily Tribune, sat in his office reflecting. About 1943 he had been introduced to the tall, enchanting Deirdre MacDarroch, a young red-headed reporter from near Asheville, North Carolina, by her good friend, Marie Dotson, a famous private-eye. Deirdre was now was in his employ, and was a great asset to the paper. One rainy day, she came barging into his office door in a skin-tight leather jump-suit, soaked to the skin. Deirdre's large, gold-speckled, green eyes looked panic-stricken. When she nervously...
Sam O'Brian, a pudgy, aging world-renowned newsman, now Editor-in-chief for The Albany Daily Tribune, sat in his office reflecting. About 1943 he had ...
A comprehensive guide in an easy to read and understand format, this book is ideal for anyone who wishes to understand more about stones and crystals. In addition, they will also learn how to best connect with and care for them. In keeping with the individual crystalline journey, each reader is encouraged to write down what they are feeling and sensing, all in an effort to better intuit for themselves, thereby furthering their knowledge in this fascinating field.
A comprehensive guide in an easy to read and understand format, this book is ideal for anyone who wishes to understand more about stones and crystals....
In this second book, the sequel to A Travel in Time to Grand Pre, twin souls, Madeleine and Michel, find themselves transported from 1775 to 2005, back to the Grand Pre of the twenty first century. Married in 1775, they bring valuable writings and artifacts with them to be used for the enlightenment of humanity. With many distinct threads skillfully woven together to create a rich tapestry, as well as meticulously researched historical events that frame the novel, the design of this marvelous work reaches its completion in several key messages from Yeshua, thereby outlining his true Gnostic...
In this second book, the sequel to A Travel in Time to Grand Pre, twin souls, Madeleine and Michel, find themselves transported from 1775 to 2005, bac...
A collection of two essays, the personal experience of this author has dictated that one must first acknowledge what appears to be happening before reconfiguring the responses of their past; hence, The Collective: Essays on Reality presents material that may elicit uncertainty and confusion for some readers. Essay One was written to better inform the reader so that he/she can work on actively disengaging from the Matrix. Essay Two focuses on different ways in which one can more effectively work towards changing themselves. Seek ye (knowledge) so that ye may find (knowledge) for it is positive...
A collection of two essays, the personal experience of this author has dictated that one must first acknowledge what appears to be happening before re...
As Anastasia of the Siberian tiaga has stated throughout the Ringing Cedars series, Man is Creator. In keeping, so, too, is God Creator. Likewise, God/dess is thought; henceforth, thought is also Creator. After all, was not the beginning stated as being the word? What was word, then, if not thought? Man creates his/her own reality through thought. It all comes down to what does Man wish to create, does it not? Thought is tangible. All previous publications from this author, resulting from thought, can be physically held by you, the reader, for they are materialized thought. It is believed, by...
As Anastasia of the Siberian tiaga has stated throughout the Ringing Cedars series, Man is Creator. In keeping, so, too, is God Creator. Likewise, God...
Quantum physics states that substance comes into existence through actual observation, meaning that when a mind thinks something into existence, it becomes real. Thus, energy is both conscious (fully aware, deliberate and intentional) and infinite (boundless and endless). It is the cyclic universe theory that postulates that the universe has no beginning and no end (in a traditional sense), given that the universe has been exploding into existence, repeatedly over time, extending far into the past as well as into the future; hence, it is quite conceivable, in fact, that the universe has...
Quantum physics states that substance comes into existence through actual observation, meaning that when a mind thinks something into existence, it be...
To awaken to the preponderance of oneness, to awaken to the integrity of harmony, to awaken to the completeness of unity - these are our ultimate reasons for being. In order to attain the wisdom (insight and understanding) that is needed, one must first understand the nature of the universe (wherein mindfulness and lucid living are what knowingly contribute to transcendence). It becomes in answering several questions of great importance, while knowing and believing that we are all connected, that the transformative process can begin.
To awaken to the preponderance of oneness, to awaken to the integrity of harmony, to awaken to the completeness of unity - these are our ultimate reas...
The writing of a spiritual biography allows an individual to journal their purpose, their strength, their significant turning points in life; in short, their journey of awakening. Michele Doucette has herein taken the time to document the truth of her heart. The life story of every individual is unique; as such, each deserves to be treasured, to be acknowledged, to be remembered. In reflecting on her own spiritual journey, this author hopes to be able to inspire others to draw closer to the divine potential that already exists within themselves. In the words of author Susan Wittig Albert ......
The writing of a spiritual biography allows an individual to journal their purpose, their strength, their significant turning points in life; in short...
One of the most challenging tasks we face is to learn to become nonjudgmental, thereby disentangling ourselves from both emotionally charged situations as well as from the collective intellectual mindset of laws, rules and dogma. The way of nonjudgment is the way to remembering the sacredness of all life. If you are to experience your own freedom and resolution, so, too, must you learn how to love yourself and others. In responding to people with love and compassion, you readily move from conflict to harmony. When you remember, embrace and share your divinity, you free others to walk their...
One of the most challenging tasks we face is to learn to become nonjudgmental, thereby disentangling ourselves from both emotionally charged situation...
This fascinating work unveils the origins and meanings of almost 400 common English cliches, idioms, axioms, proverbs, similes, and curious words and catch-phrases, salted with a hint of humor. It is a myth-buster on the origins of a number of them. If you think you know the full scoop on "Your name is mud," and the international distress signal, "SOS," you are likely wrong. What about "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?" and "Caught red handed?" Did "Cleanliness is next to godliness" come from the Bible? The book is illustrated and lists hundreds of references from...
This fascinating work unveils the origins and meanings of almost 400 common English cliches, idioms, axioms, proverbs, similes, and curious words and ...