Four little dinosaur children (Tritop, Terri, Steggy, Rex) and Ank, their puppy, gather round Dr. Sosa, an archaeologist, to hear a tale of the "Diny Tots" origins. Join them as Dr. Sosa and her crew make a great discovery: the mythical Wondor Island. What's inside the ancient pyramid deep in the wilderness? Find out in this exciting adventure. Ages 4-8.
Four little dinosaur children (Tritop, Terri, Steggy, Rex) and Ank, their puppy, gather round Dr. Sosa, an archaeologist, to hear a tale of the "Diny ...
The Diny Tots have made a new friend. He's a teddy bear named Barry who flies around in a hot air Balloon. Barry and the Diny Tots fly around Wondor Island to see the many sites. But Mandrill the Magician is causing a thunder storm that will never end. Can the Diny Tots and Barry stop the storm with the help of Princess Jaria? And what is the weather crystal? Find out in this thrilling adventure
The Diny Tots have made a new friend. He's a teddy bear named Barry who flies around in a hot air Balloon. Barry and the Diny Tots fly around Wondor I...