"The Adventures of SnowFlake & Ducky" The Adventures of SnowFlake & Ducky includes a series of books inspired by the true-life events of the animated character SnowFlake, an extraordinary, high-spirited, and fun-loving, five-year-old mixed breed puppy dog. The main characters include SnowFlake and his best friend Ducky. Other star characters include Spike, Miss. Daisy, Brownie the Dog, Rabbit, Bongo the Bear, Kappy, Squeaky, and Frisco the Frog. These characters imitate SnowFlake's real-life friends, although certain physical characteristics of each characters have been changed for...
"The Adventures of SnowFlake & Ducky" The Adventures of SnowFlake & Ducky includes a series of books inspired by the true-life events of the animated ...