This document is to help non-US small to medium enterprises (SME) when considering doing international business in and through the United States of America (US). It is a brief overview of a sample of issues to consider and is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject. It is meant to serve as an introductory guide for discussion between the company and their Buoyant Capital peer advisor. The peer advisors may suggest how to establish a business plan for internationalization via the US market using NYC as the primary international base of operations. For this document an SME is a company that...
This document is to help non-US small to medium enterprises (SME) when considering doing international business in and through the United States of Am...
Questo lavoro vuole essere un aiuto per le Piccole e Medie Imprese (PMI) che considerano di fare business tramite gli Stati Uniti e negli Stati Uniti (USA). E' una breve visione d'insieme di tematiche da considerare e non tratta il tema in maniera esaustiva. Esso nasce per fare da guida introduttiva ed e utile ad approfondire il tema tra le aziende interessate all'internazionalizzazione negli USA e i consulenti Buoyant Capital. I consulenti sono in grado di suggerire piano di business per l'internazionalizzazione che usi la citta di New York (NYC) come base principale delle attivita di...
Questo lavoro vuole essere un aiuto per le Piccole e Medie Imprese (PMI) che considerano di fare business tramite gli Stati Uniti e negli Stati Uniti ...
By some estimates, the global economy consists of 7 billion people and 100 trillion dollars of purchasing power. By any measure - wherever the business is located- most of the world's commerce is outside its national boundaries. Unless the business is a laundromat or ice cream shop, it is going to be buying and selling in the global market if the business is to survive. That means having management with a grasp of the mechanics of global business. There are many books about the marketing, legal and financial aspects of international trade. This book is about practical issues of shipping,...
By some estimates, the global economy consists of 7 billion people and 100 trillion dollars of purchasing power. By any measure - wherever the busines...