The story of "The Plant, Oh Quality Where Art Thou" begins in the summer of 1957 and it ends 52 years later in March 2009 when Tom Luggs invites his former GM colleagues to a roundtable discussion on the demise and future of General Motors Corporation. It is the story of a young man who accepts a co-op engineering education appointment with Chevrolet Division to attend General Motors Institute of Technology in Flint, Michigan. "The Plant" is a story that follows Tom's career where he learns production is king, and production efficiency is the measure of success. He reluctantly leaves GM in...
The story of "The Plant, Oh Quality Where Art Thou" begins in the summer of 1957 and it ends 52 years later in March 2009 when Tom Luggs invites his ...
Shiloh to Durham Station, 18th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment: With Captain Robert S. McMichael's Civil War Letters begins in the early winter of 1861 in Bad Ax County, Wisconsin, and it ends in 1865 with the Grand March in Washington, D. C. after the surrender of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston at Durham Station, North Carolina. It is an historical account of the Civil War in the West, and a true personal reflection of the war as told by Robert S. McMichael. He was a young husband and father who never missed an opportunity to write home to his wife, Orla. Robert enlisted in the 18th...
Shiloh to Durham Station, 18th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment: With Captain Robert S. McMichael's Civil War Letters begins in the early winter of 1861 in...
Freeman A. Halverson, a son of Norwegian immigrants was born in Barron County, Wisconsin in 1889 near the town of Dallas. His mother died when he was barely a year old, and he was taken in and raised by close relatives. At the age of 21 years he, along with his cousin Fred, decided to see the world, so they trekked west on the Great Northern Railroad to a place called Kalispell, Montana. Having the youthful wide-eyed intentions of venturing to Alaska, the Far East or other far-off worldly places, the two young men, instead, ended up homesteading in Montana, where the territory was open range...
Freeman A. Halverson, a son of Norwegian immigrants was born in Barron County, Wisconsin in 1889 near the town of Dallas. His mother died when he was ...
You talk to your dog, and most of the time it responds with obedience or with curious gestures when it does not understand you. Most importantly, your dog is there by your side when you need a "listener." Oh, if your dog could only talk to you. Well, here is a dog that does. If you are fortunate, you will at some point in your life have a pet dog that you can call your friend, and doubly fortunate if the dog can call you a friend. Spade, a black Labrador was that kind of dog. During the fourteen years of his life from a puppy to an elder adult, he truly was our family's best friend, as we...
You talk to your dog, and most of the time it responds with obedience or with curious gestures when it does not understand you. Most importantly, your...
According To Festus(c) is a collection of 206 sayings and 71 stories of wisdom by Festus Haggen of Gunsmoke(c) fame. Festus' sayings and stories are supported by Biblical Proverbs and Bible references. I hope you enjoy reading and pondering them as much as I did when I compiled them. Actor Ken Curtis as Festus was a constant source of joy, wit and laughter, and he was a gifted entertainer. In his character of Festus he was no saint, but he possessed a deep sense of goodness, loyalty and wisdom. Hence the supporting Biblical Proverbs and Bible references in According to Festus are thought...
According To Festus(c) is a collection of 206 sayings and 71 stories of wisdom by Festus Haggen of Gunsmoke(c) fame. Festus' sayings and stories are s...