The present monograph provides a systematic and basicaIly self-eontained introduetion to a mathematieal framework eapable of ineOIporating those fundamental physical premises of general relativity and quantum meehanics which are not mutually ineonsistent, and which ean be therefore retained in the unifieation of these two fundamental areas of twentieth- eentury physics. Thus, its underlying thesis is that the equivalenee principle of classical general relativity remains true at the quantum level, where it has to be reeonciled, however, with the uneertainty principle. As will be discussed in...
The present monograph provides a systematic and basicaIly self-eontained introduetion to a mathematieal framework eapable of ineOIporating those funda...
The principal intent of this monograph is to present in a systematic and self-con- tained fashion the basic tenets, ideas and results of a framework for the consistent unification of relativity and quantum theory based on a quantum concept of spacetime, and incorporating the basic principles of the theory of stochastic spaces in combination with those of Born's reciprocity theory. In this context, by the physicial consistency of the present framework we mean that the advocated approach to relativistic quantum theory relies on a consistent probabilistic interpretation, which is proven to be a...
The principal intent of this monograph is to present in a systematic and self-con- tained fashion the basic tenets, ideas and results of a framework f...