Logic programming synthesis and transformation are methods of deriving logic programs from their specifications and, where necessary, producing alternative but equivalent forms of a given program. The techniques involved in synthesis and transformation are extremely important as they allow the systematic construction of correct and efficient programs and have the potential to enhance current methods of software production. Transformation strategies are also being widely used in the field of logic program development. LOPSTR 91 was the first workshop to deal exclusively with both logic program...
Logic programming synthesis and transformation are methods of deriving logic programs from their specifications and, where necessary, producing altern...
Logic program synthesis and transformation are topics of central importance to the software industry. The demand for software can not be met by the current supply, in terms of volume, complexity, or reliability. The most promising solution seems to be the increased automation of software production: programmer productivity would improve, and correctness could be ensured by the application of mathematical methods. Because of their mathematical foundations, logic programs lend themselves particularly well to machine-assisted development techniques, and therefore to automation. This volume...
Logic program synthesis and transformation are topics of central importance to the software industry. The demand for software can not be met by the cu...