Due to the worldwide importance of rice as a crop plant, the biology of rice pests is of great interest to agricultural research. This timely book brings together contributions from the fields of entomology, agronomy, population ecology, and biostatistics to provide a comprehensive survey of rice-insect interaction. Among the topics discussed are - crop loss assessment - economic thresholds and injury levels for incest pests - mosquito leafhoppers and planthoppers population dynamics - pheromone utilization - techniques for predator evaluation - chemical based for insect resistance -...
Due to the worldwide importance of rice as a crop plant, the biology of rice pests is of great interest to agricultural research. This timely book bri...
Insects as a group occupy a middle ground in the biosphere between bacteria and viruses at one extreme, amphibians and mammals at the other. The size and general nature of insects present special problems to the student of entomology. For example, many commercially available instruments are geared to measure in grams, while the forces commonly encountered in stUdying insects are in the milligram range. Therefore, techniques developed in the study of insects or in those fields concerned with the control of insect pests are often unique. Methods for measuring things are common to all sciences....
Insects as a group occupy a middle ground in the biosphere between bacteria and viruses at one extreme, amphibians and mammals at the other. The size ...
Neurochemical Techniques in Insect Research properly emphasizes the insect. It only scratches the surface of the exploding repertoire of general neuro chemical techniques that can be applied to insect research in 1985. But it al so presents the advantages of using insects for studying certain biological questions that are approachable by neurochemical techniques. Even more so, it summarizes the long list of unique problems encountered in attempting to study insects by neurochemical techniques. As in other volumes of this series, the contributors to this volume are the authorities in the...
Neurochemical Techniques in Insect Research properly emphasizes the insect. It only scratches the surface of the exploding repertoire of general neuro...
Most neurobiological research is performed on vertebrates, and it is only natural that most texts describing neuroanatomical methods refer almost exclusively to this Phylum. Nevertheless, in recent years insects have been studied intensively and are becoming even more popular in some areas of research. They have advantages over vertebrates with respect to studying genetics of neuronal development and with respect to studying many aspects of integration by uniquely identifiable nerve cells. Insect central nervous system is characterized by its compactness and the rather large number of nerve...
Most neurobiological research is performed on vertebrates, and it is only natural that most texts describing neuroanatomical methods refer almost excl...
Insects as a group occupy a middle ground in the biosphere between bac teria and viruses at one extreme, amphibians and mammals at the other. The size and general nature of insects present special problems to the student of entomology. For example, many commercially available in struments are geared to measure in grams, while the forces commonly en countered in studying insects are in the milligram range. Therefore, tech the study of insects or in those fields concerned with niques developed in the control of insect pests are often unique. Methods for measuring things are common to all...
Insects as a group occupy a middle ground in the biosphere between bac teria and viruses at one extreme, amphibians and mammals at the other. The size...
Insects as a group occupy a middle ground in the biosphere between bacteria and viruses at one extreme, amphibians and mammals at the other. The size and general nature of insects present special problems to the student of entomology. For example, many commercially available instruments are geared to measure in grams, while the forces commonly encountered in studying insects are in the milligram range. Therefore, techniques developed in the study of insects or in those fields concerned with the control of insect pests are often unique. Methods for measuring things are common to all sciences....
Insects as a group occupy a middle ground in the biosphere between bacteria and viruses at one extreme, amphibians and mammals at the other. The size ...
A well-choreographed terrorist attack thrusts the United States into depression, yet partisan gridlock in Washington will not relent, dashing any hope of recovery. With nothing to lose, retiring Representative Bart Scattercorn makes a radical last-ditch suggestion: permanently divide the country by ideology so that freedom might survive. To his surprise, and eventual lament, the notion takes root and a constitutional amendment is drafted which raises two entirely new nations - one purely conservative, one purely liberal - from America's ashes. From the midst of all this comes the diary of...
A well-choreographed terrorist attack thrusts the United States into depression, yet partisan gridlock in Washington will not relent, dashing any hope...