SECIII-Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT Welcome to the post-conference book of SECIII, the IFIP Open Conference on Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) which took place from July 22-26, 2002 at the University of Dortmund, Germany, in co-operation with the German computer society (Gesellschaft flir Informatik). Unlike most international conferences, those organised within the IFIP education community are active events. This wasn't a dry academic conference - teachers, lecturers and curriculum experts,...
SECIII-Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT Welcome to the post-conference book of SECIII, the IFIP Open Conference on Social, ...
IFIP TC3 Lifelong Learning Working Track This book is the result of the IFIP Lifelong Learning Working Track at eTrain, 7-11 July 2003, Pori, Finland organized by the Lifelong Learning Taskforce of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee 3 (TC3) on Education. Members of the TC3 Lifelong Learning Taskforce are: Mike Kendall, United Kingdom; Brian Samways, United Kingdom (Chair); Tom van Weert, The Netherlands; Jan Wibe, Norway. The members of the Taskforce constituted the IFIP Lifelong Working Track Programme Committee that invited the contributing...
IFIP TC3 Lifelong Learning Working Track This book is the result of the IFIP Lifelong Learning Working Track at eTrain, 7-11 July 2003, Pori, Finland ...
In this book about a hundred papers are presented. These were selected from over 450 papers submitted to WCCE95. The papers are of high quality and cover many aspects of computers in education. Within the overall theme of "Liberating the learner" the papers cover the following main conference themes: Accreditation, Artificial Intelligence, Costing, Developing Countries, Distance Learning, Equity Issues, Evaluation (Formative and Summative), Flexible Learning, Implications, Informatics as Study Topic, Information Technology, Infrastructure, Integration, Knowledge as a Resource, Learner Centred...
In this book about a hundred papers are presented. These were selected from over 450 papers submitted to WCCE95. The papers are of high quality and co...