..".strap on your seat belt, it's a wild ride. Take a little Hunter Thompson, add some Dashiell Hammett, throw in a pinch of noir, and let it ferment for five minutes in a bottle of Boone's Farm...that's the mix these books deliver on." R. Baker "The only author to fictionalize with historic accuracy one of the most divisive and monumental periods in modern American history, the 1960's." "The Woodstock Conspiracy" is the third book of "The Woodstock Trilogy," which also includes "Monterey Pop: Summer of Love" and "Chicago: Days of Rage." It tells of the dramatic rise of the 1960's...
..".strap on your seat belt, it's a wild ride. Take a little Hunter Thompson, add some Dashiell Hammett, throw in a pinch of noir, and let it ferment ...
The Mother's Day Companion is a collection of stories about mothers, real and fictional. Some are exemplary, others not so hot. Some of the stories are serious, others will put a smile on your face, just like life. This book takes a look at real women from Queen Victoria and Rose Kennedy to Angelina Jolie and Sharon Osbourne. The youngest, oldest and most prolific mothers are examined. There's a tongue-in-cheek look at mothers Marge Simpson and Wilma Flintstone. Television characters like Claire Huxtable and Peg Bundy represent opposite extremes of motherhood. Revisit Sophie's horrific choice...
The Mother's Day Companion is a collection of stories about mothers, real and fictional. Some are exemplary, others not so hot. Some of the stories ar...