After a year of face-to-face negotiations with high-ranking members of the armed forces of the united States of America, the leaders of the freedom movement have joined together to bring you a four step comprehensive remedy - the Restore America Plan - whereby the military has agreed to follow the orders of the legitimate de jure government upon its proper restoration and execution. To be clear, this is not a typical patriot "remedy." The four step Restore America Plan was proposed by high-ranking members of the military who are tired of taking orders from a corporate CEO (the President of...
After a year of face-to-face negotiations with high-ranking members of the armed forces of the united States of America, the leaders of the freedom mo...
The First and Second Angel Message of Revelation 14:8. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and five glory to him; for the hour of his judgement is come: And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
The First and Second Angel Message of Revelation 14:8. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and fi...
A compilation of the policies, procedures, and protocols of the foundation of the Republic for the united States of America that was recently reinhabited in 2010. Many people complain about what their supposed "representatives" in government do or don't do but they have lost the concepts of "civics" which is no longer taught in public schools. American have to learn, them selves, how to govern themselves, instead of surrending that right to others in the public domain. Why trust others to do what we should be doing right ourselves?
A compilation of the policies, procedures, and protocols of the foundation of the Republic for the united States of America that was recently reinhabi...
AMENDMENTS ELIMINATED BY THE PATRIOT ACT 1st. Freedom of religion, assembly, and the press. 4th. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. 5th. No person to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. 6th. Right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, right to be informed of the facts of the accusation, right to confront witnesses and have the assistance of counsel. 8th. No excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment shall be imposed. 14th. All persons (citizens and non citizens) within the US are entitled to due process and the equal protection of...
AMENDMENTS ELIMINATED BY THE PATRIOT ACT 1st. Freedom of religion, assembly, and the press. 4th. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. 5th....
The American diplomats finally proved that Iraq's debt was odious and that the Iraqi people were not obliged to pay it. However, Washington suddenly realized that they'd pried open a can of worms. For the first time in the 21st century, the ultimate Super Power had legitimized the concept of "odious debt." So they chose to sweep this case under the rug. We Americans too have to shake off submissiveness. And liberate ourselves from The United Nations, liberate ourselves from The United States, Inc., and liberate ourselves from the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank, because all three mean the...
The American diplomats finally proved that Iraq's debt was odious and that the Iraqi people were not obliged to pay it. However, Washington suddenly r...
Long before NESARA, a project was born to restore the United States of America to its original Constitution of the Republic, and to remove the structure of the Corporate United States. This project began in the early 1950's and involved intelligent and patriotic minds of both civilian and military background. These people over the years became known as the White Knights. Out of this restoration process came the Prosperity Programs, the Farmer Claims, and finally NESARA. The children of the wealthy families on our planet became concerned about the future of our civilization, when they observed...
Long before NESARA, a project was born to restore the United States of America to its original Constitution of the Republic, and to remove the structu...
What can a Pure Trust Organization do for you? 1. Assets are protected 100% - #1 enemy in the world is litigation. 2. Protection from creditors. 3. Protection from liability suits. 4. Protection from malpractice suits. 5. Protection from employees. 6. Protection from personal bankruptcy. 7. Protection from excessive divorce settlements. 8. Avoids probate. 9. Avoids inheritance tax. 10. Avoids estate taxes. 11. Avoids court actions. 12. Eliminates attorney fees. 13. Eliminates or reduces Accountant fees. 14. Eliminates Executor's fees. 15. Eliminates or reduces Income taxes. 16. Frees tax...
What can a Pure Trust Organization do for you? 1. Assets are protected 100% - #1 enemy in the world is litigation. 2. Protection from creditors. 3. Pr...
The following information has been gathered over the years, by talking to people with personal and unique experience in the secret service of World Finance. Older people who for the last 50 years have lived secret lives in hiding while controlling the Gold certificates and Key accounts upon which the modern system of world Banking is built. This is their version of History. A simplified story of evil versus good, but it's never quite that simple, for the battles and the players are more complex. Most of the story is playing out in the gray area between right and wrong. Regardless: We think it...
The following information has been gathered over the years, by talking to people with personal and unique experience in the secret service of World Fi...
The Sheriff is "the ultimate authority in the land." The Sheriff is the only elected law enforcement officer in the United States -- and therefore in his County. He's the only official who reports directly to the Source of power. He reports directly to "we the people," on the land. He is sovereign in this regard because he reports directly to the Sovereigns. That is why the Sheriff is the ultimate authority on the land. He's not a bureaucrat from Washington, DC. The President of the United States cannot tell your Sheriff what to do. So certainly, none of the other auxiliary departments...
The Sheriff is "the ultimate authority in the land." The Sheriff is the only elected law enforcement officer in the United States -- and therefore in ...