Doing a Research Project in English Studies is the essential guide to undertaking research and developing academic English literacy skills for students new to research. With a particular focus on the needs of students in contexts where English is used as a foreign or an additional language, this accessible textbook takes the reader through the research process in five main sections:
getting started (arriving at a topic, interacting with a supervisor);
finding bibliographic resources;
collecting data;
Doing a Research Project in English Studies is the essential guide to undertaking research and developing academic English literacy skills for stud...
When Yugoslavia disintegrated in the early 1990s, competence in English was not widespread. This book explores how English came to be equated with economic survival for many during and after the ensuing war through a range of diverse social and professional contexts, from the classroom to the military to the International Criminal Court. While English provided social mobility for many, its abrupt arrival also contributed to the marginalization of those without the adequate language skills. The high level of international intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the last two decades has...
When Yugoslavia disintegrated in the early 1990s, competence in English was not widespread. This book explores how English came to be equated with ...