The first book on trauma to combine the theory and practice of positive psychology and solution-focused brief therapy with traditional approaches, this book veers away from a focus on pathology (what is wrong with clients and how to repair the worst) to a focus on what is right with them (and how to create the best)--that is, from post traumaticstress to post traumatic success. The three R's of post traumatic success are: Recovery, Resilience and enRichment (post traumatic growth) - concepts depicted by the bamboo plant on the book's cover. Trauma professionals will learn...
The first book on trauma to combine the theory and practice of positive psychology and solution-focused brief therapy with traditional approaches, thi...
The book contains 101 solution-focused questions (and more) for help with depression, with a focus on the clients' preferred future and the pathways to get there As Insoo Kim Berg put it in her foreword for Fredrike Bannink's highly successful1001 Solution-Focused Questions: Handbook for Solution-Focused Interviewing, "SFBT is based on the respectful assumption that clients have the inner resources to construct highly individualized and uniquely effective solutions to their problems." From the more than 2,000 questions she has collected over the years, Bannink has selected the 101...
The book contains 101 solution-focused questions (and more) for help with depression, with a focus on the clients' preferred future and the pathways t...