Michael Ross Ault Michael Ross Ault Michael Ross Ault
I hope this modest collection of short stories might inspire the next Heinlein, Asimov or Norton to begin writing. I hope it leaves a few seeds of wonder, a few questions and maybe some joy and sadness with these stories. In these pages you will find Apocalypse, star ships, monsters and hero's. Enjoy
I hope this modest collection of short stories might inspire the next Heinlein, Asimov or Norton to begin writing. I hope it leaves a few seeds of won...
Rex Franklin, a computer consultant in the nuclear industry is drawn into a theft of enriched nuclear fuel. Rex must not only save his own life, he must prevent a Chernobyl scale disaster
Rex Franklin, a computer consultant in the nuclear industry is drawn into a theft of enriched nuclear fuel. Rex must not only save his own life, he mu...