In an age where ""church discipline"" has fallen out of favor in the context of many churches, Eric Bargerhuff calls the church to a deeper understanding of its nature and purpose as an expression of God's ""fatherly love"" towards his people. As a biblically mandated activity instituted by Christ himself in Matthew 18, church discipline is an essential practice of any faithful church that is committed to sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Tackling some of the false notions and assumptions surrounding church discipline, Bargerhuff sets forth a historical, biblical, theological, and...
In an age where ""church discipline"" has fallen out of favor in the context of many churches, Eric Bargerhuff calls the church to a deeper understand...
Are You Sure You Know What Your Favorite Bible Stories Mean?
A surprising number of popular Bible stories are commonly misused or misunderstood, even by well-intentioned Christians. In this concise yet thorough book, Eric J. Bargerhuff helps you fully understand the meaning of David and Goliath, Jonah and the Big Fish, the Woman Caught in Adultery, and other well-known Bible stories. Providing fascinating historical and scriptural insights, Bargerhuff helps you sort through modern-day distortions of fourteen well-known Bible stories and grasp their original meaning and...
Are You Sure You Know What Your Favorite Bible Stories Mean?
A surprising number of popular Bible stories are commonly misused or misund...
Providing fascinating historical and scriptural insights, this guide demystifies more than 40 Bible verses and stories, ranging from strange accounts to hard to accept statements. You will learn the context of each passage and how it applies to us today. In all, this book will help you be more confident about interpreting God's Word accurately.
Providing fascinating historical and scriptural insights, this guide demystifies more than 40 Bible verses and stories, ranging from strange accounts ...