"This groundbreaking book peers deeply into the lives and lifestyle of an overlooked new-member of American society providing the reader with understandings compiled in no other document." Asia Week. "Compelling. This new work by author Scott Shaw details the trials and the tribulations of newly arrived Cambodian immigrants and their quest to find assimilation in U.S. Society." Publishers Weekly. Cambodia was in a state of political and cultural upheaval from the late 1950s through the early 1990s. This was epitomized by the political reign of terror brought on by Pol Pot, the leader of the...
"This groundbreaking book peers deeply into the lives and lifestyle of an overlooked new-member of American society providing the reader with understa...
If you take a moment to step outside of yourself, move beyond the melodrama which you are currently involved in, you can perhaps see how life functions and have a realization about how this universe truly operates. In a world where too few people ever look for reason, this book is designed to help everyone find immediate deeper meaning in all of life's situations. By reading the aphorisms within this book, you too may come to a better understanding of reality, nature, your mind, and God.
If you take a moment to step outside of yourself, move beyond the melodrama which you are currently involved in, you can perhaps see how life function...
THE PASSIONATE KISS OF ILLUSION presents the philosophies and experiences of an original visionary, Scott Shaw, Ph.D. Veering between the ascetic and the sensual, this book takes the reader on a mystical journey from the author's home in Hollywood, California to the exotic realms of Asia, as he travels the world experiencing new transient thrills. His claims that nothing is permanent and life holds no absolute meaning bears itself out in the adventures presented in this text. Shaw writes in the emotionally and sexually explicit language of a modern day, street-wise mystic. The stories he...
THE PASSIONATE KISS OF ILLUSION presents the philosophies and experiences of an original visionary, Scott Shaw, Ph.D. Veering between the ascetic and ...
JUNK: The Back Streets of Bangkok is a gritty first-person tale of pulp literature. This book details the life of a California artist who relocates to Bangkok, Thailand where he is seduced into the seedy underworld of sex and drugs. Part literary fiction, part autobiography, part poetry; this book is not designed for the faint of heart. "Scott Shaw takes literature to the next level by intermingling poetry with this blisteringly erotic tale." Publishers Weekly April 11, 1989
JUNK: The Back Streets of Bangkok is a gritty first-person tale of pulp literature. This book details the life of a California artist who relocates to...
Bangkok and the Nights of Drunken Stupor presents the gritty, street-wise, and thought provoking poetry and prose of Scott Shaw -- composed during his years of living in Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok and the Nights of Drunken Stupor presents the gritty, street-wise, and thought provoking poetry and prose of Scott Shaw -- composed during his...
In this novel of pulp espionage, the author, Scott Shaw, takes the reader deep into the realms of Asia -- presenting the sights and sounds of the environment in a manner that can only be truly depicted by a writer who has lived the experiences and knows the region. This first-person, graphically explicit tale, follows a reluctant protagonist as he travels from his home in Southern California, recruited by a dubious faction of the United States government, to handle an operation that no one else would touch. Expendable, was the key phrase in his recruitment. Chalked full of unexpected plot...
In this novel of pulp espionage, the author, Scott Shaw, takes the reader deep into the realms of Asia -- presenting the sights and sounds of the envi...
Shanghai Whispers Shanghai Screams is a gritty, pulp literary tale of man who travels through Japan to Hong Kong -- eventually finding himself in Shanghai, China, where he meets and falls in love with a woman -- only to have her stolen from him by the cruel hands of fate. This book details the sights and sounds of mid 1980s Shanghai, China in the explicit language and cruel details that can only be truly explained by an author who intimately knows the deep secrets of the city and the society. Publishers Weekly states about this novel, "Riveting Reading "
Shanghai Whispers Shanghai Screams is a gritty, pulp literary tale of man who travels through Japan to Hong Kong -- eventually finding himself in Shan...
Zen Buddhism: The Pathway to Nirvana provides the reader with a complete overview of the history and evolution of Buddhism -- from the birth and enlightenment of the Buddha onto the modern day. It then provides a complete how-to for all of the various meditation techniques employed by Zen Buddhism. Finally, this book details how the practitioner of Zen may rise to the ultimate plateau of Nirvana. This book is a compelling work by one of the most respected authors in the field.
Zen Buddhism: The Pathway to Nirvana provides the reader with a complete overview of the history and evolution of Buddhism -- from the birth and enlig...
Yoga is much more than the physical postures commonly associated with this word. Yoga is an advanced metaphysical science that has been developed over thousands of years and is designed to lead its practitioners towards enlightenment. In this book, Scott Shaw presents the reader with the historical foundations of yoga, in association with exacting methods of meditation, breath control, and spiritual practice; including detailed information on Kundalini and Tantra yoga. These techniques have traditionally only been revealed to advanced students of yoga. By practicing the techniques presented...
Yoga is much more than the physical postures commonly associated with this word. Yoga is an advanced metaphysical science that has been developed over...
In this book, Scott Shaw, a prolific proponent of Zen, presents one hundred and eight spiritual aphorisms, in association with Zen Calligraphy, that are designed to provide the reader with immediate insight into life, enlightenment, Zen Buddhism, and embracing the spiritual path.
In this book, Scott Shaw, a prolific proponent of Zen, presents one hundred and eight spiritual aphorisms, in association with Zen Calligraphy, that a...