Theodor Magnus Fries Benjamin Daydon Jackson Benjamin Daydon Jackson
This biography of Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707 78) was originally published in 1903 by another Swedish botanist, Theodor Magnus Fries (1832 1913). This English version, published in 1923, was translated and edited by British botanist Benjamin Daydon Jackson (1846 1927). Jackson is best known for founding (with J. D. Hooker) the Index Kewensis, the register of all botanical names of seed plants; he also acted as Secretary of the Linnean Society for twenty-two years, becoming its General Secretary in 1902. This biography covers the early life of Linnaeus (including some family history),...
This biography of Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707 78) was originally published in 1903 by another Swedish botanist, Theodor Magnus Fries (1832 19...