The object of desire at the heart of 'The Jaguar Men of Kiziba' is the last King of Rwanda's Jaguar Mk5 coupE. Based on a true story, it includes Princess Margaret's state visit to Uganda. The main character's weakness, envy, leads to a dramatic ending. 'The Lungfish Man of Mbazi' has a relatively happy dEnouement. It involves a research programme at Bat Valley linked to space exploration that almost ends in disaster for the researcher. 'The Mount Elgon Waiter' culminates, in a Fawlty Towers-like scene in a tourist hotel, in a reference to witchcraft. 'The Moth Lady of...
The object of desire at the heart of 'The Jaguar Men of Kiziba' is the last King of Rwanda's Jaguar Mk5 coupE. Based on a true story, it includes P...