Senior year is quickly coming to a close for four teenage friends. Each looks forward to pursuing their dreams after high school graduation. Sarah Parker plans to move to Los Angeles and become an actress, and Ryan, her boyfriend of three years, is going to Atlanta to play baseball. Olivia St. James is heading to Indiana to attend college, and her boyfriend, Jake Lance, has the opportunity to play quarterback at the University of Alabama. But even the best-laid plans sometimes go awry.
During the summer after graduation, Sarah and Jake accidentally discover they have strong feelings...
Senior year is quickly coming to a close for four teenage friends. Each looks forward to pursuing their dreams after high school graduation. Sarah...
Senior year is quickly coming to a close for four teenage friends. Each looks forward to pursuing their dreams after high school graduation. Sarah Parker plans to move to Los Angeles and become an actress, and Ryan, her boyfriend of three years, is going to Atlanta to play baseball. Olivia St. James is heading to Indiana to attend college, and her boyfriend, Jake Lance, has the opportunity to play quarterback at the University of Alabama. But even the best-laid plans sometimes go awry.
During the summer after graduation, Sarah and Jake accidentally discover they have strong feelings...
Senior year is quickly coming to a close for four teenage friends. Each looks forward to pursuing their dreams after high school graduation. Sarah...