The life story of Lars Henrik Ottoson is a marvel of adventures and unlikely shifts in occupation, location and fortunes. A life formed by a childhood that created such life-long friends as Gosta Pryzelius, Joel Haskel, JOLO, Ake Hjorth, Ingemar Bergman or Ingemar Essen; by early work as a reporter alongside such dominant figures as Pekka Langer, BANG or Stig Gits Olsson... covering the Nuremberg trials after WWII for BBC, reporting the 1959 win of Swedish Heavy Weight Champ Ingemar Johansson... authoring books and filming with Sven Nykvist in Africa and going from Cape-to-Cape in a VW bus......
The life story of Lars Henrik Ottoson is a marvel of adventures and unlikely shifts in occupation, location and fortunes. A life formed by a childhood...