The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American children's novel written by author L. Frank Baum. The story chronicles the adventures of a young farm girl named Dorothy in the magical Land of Oz, after she and her pet dog Toto are swept away from their Kansas home by a cyclone. The novel is one of the best-known stories in American literature and has been widely translated. Includes vintage illustration
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American children's novel written by author L. Frank Baum. The story chronicles the adventures of a young farm girl n...
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American children's novel written by author L. Frank Baum. The story chronicles the adventures of a young farm girl named Dorothy in the magical Land of Oz, after she and her pet dog Toto are swept away from their Kansas home by a cyclone. The novel is one of the best-known stories in American literature and has been widely translated. Includes vintage illustration
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American children's novel written by author L. Frank Baum. The story chronicles the adventures of a young farm girl n...
Tik-Tok of Oz is the eighth Land of Oz book written by L. Frank Baum. Join Tik-Tok, the Shaggy Man, and a host of other friends--both old and new--on an exciting, imaginative journey through the world of Oz. The fun begins in an isolated corner of Oz, in the small country of Oogaboo. There Queen Ann Soforth musters an unlikely army and sets off to conquer the rest of Oz. Meanwhile, a girl from Oklahoma named Betsy Bobbin and her companion, Hank the mule, are shipwrecked and washed ashore in the Rose Kingdom, a magical land of talking roses. There they meet the Shaggy Man, who is on a quest to...
Tik-Tok of Oz is the eighth Land of Oz book written by L. Frank Baum. Join Tik-Tok, the Shaggy Man, and a host of other friends--both old and new--on ...
The Magical Monarch of Mo is the first children book L. Frank Baum ever wrote. It was published at the beginning of the twentieth century, just some time after The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was released. Somehow, the land of Mo, Baum's first creation, was unfairly overshadowed by the great success of Oz. The Magical Monarch of Mo is a collection of stories about the king of this incredible land, his royal family and his people. The stories, all of them rather nonsensical and truly hilarious, deal with the most absurd topics. A purple dragon, an ice-cream cow, a wise donkey, a bad tempered...
The Magical Monarch of Mo is the first children book L. Frank Baum ever wrote. It was published at the beginning of the twentieth century, just some t...
The timeless tale of Dorothy and her faithful dog companion Toto, who are swept away in a cyclone from their home in Kansas and placed into a magical land. Accompanied by their new found friends, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy and Toto find themselves in some very precarious situations.
The timeless tale of Dorothy and her faithful dog companion Toto, who are swept away in a cyclone from their home in Kansas and placed into a magical ...