This book includes an English-Kirundi template for a complete history and physical. The sections include: introduction/demographics, chief complaint/pain assessment, common complaints (as voiced by patients), past medical & surgical history (list of diseases), allergies/medications, family/social history, review of systems, common commands used during the physical exam, and the physical exam template. There are also sections on doing joint exams, counseling for common ailments and pharmacy instructions and a listing of body parts. A 2200 word glossary of English-Kirundi and Kirundi-English...
This book includes an English-Kirundi template for a complete history and physical. The sections include: introduction/demographics, chief complaint/p...
Cet ouvrage de reference contient 1000 phrases bilingues destinees a favoriser le dialogue entre professionnels de sante et malades. Il s'adresse infirmieres, medecins, ergotherapeutes / physiotherapeutes, dieteticiens, travailleurs sociaux aux et a tous les professionnels de sante qui souhaitent apprendre les connaissances de la terminologie medicale kinyarwanda. Les sections comprennent: motif de consultation, antecedents medico-chirurgiaux, antecedents familiaux, plaintes du patient, et allergies/ traitements medicamenteux. Chaque section, dediee a une specialite comporte: lymphatique,...
Cet ouvrage de reference contient 1000 phrases bilingues destinees a favoriser le dialogue entre professionnels de sante et malades. Il s'adresse infi...
This trilingual book includes a template for a complete history and physical in English, Kinyarwanda, and French. The sections include: introduction/demographics, chief complaint, common complaints as voiced by the patient, past medical/surgical history, family/social history, and allergies/medications. The review of systems sections include: lymph/bone/blood/endocrine, HEENT, respiratory/cardiac, GI/GU, women's health, peripartum/neonatal, and neurologic/psychiatric. In addition, there are sections on commands used during a physical exam, a physical exam template, joint exams, counseling,...
This trilingual book includes a template for a complete history and physical in English, Kinyarwanda, and French. The sections include: introduction/d...