Anger is part of everyone's life to some degree. It affects our attitudes, our personal happiness, and it can be a wedge between our closest relationships. It strikes at the heart and consumes its victims, damaging relationships with loved ones, jeopardizing employment and even driving many to addictions and crime. This study has been extensively used inside and outside of prison. Each lesson addresses the heart, using the Bible to reveal the inner motives and hidden roots in men and women. Students are led to a deep relationship with God who provides the ultimate healing. This publication...
Anger is part of everyone's life to some degree. It affects our attitudes, our personal happiness, and it can be a wedge between our closest relations...
It is not necessary to be a Christian to recognize that the family structure is critical to the well-being of our nation, but it is steadily falling apart. This book is a biblical study of the family as God intended it before all of this degradation began. It is not too late to turn our families around, but we must know what a healthy family looks like if we are to strive for it. This book is designed as a teaching for incarcerated men; however, the instructions are applicable to us all.
It is not necessary to be a Christian to recognize that the family structure is critical to the well-being of our nation, but it is steadily falling a...
Anger is part of everyone's life to some degree. It affects our attitudes, our personal happiness, and it can be a wedge between our closest relationships. It strikes at the heart and consumes its victims, damaging relationships with loved ones, jeopardizing employment and even driving many to addictions and crime. This study has been extensively used inside and outside of prison. Each lesson addresses the heart, using the Bible to reveal the inner motives and hidden roots in men and women. Students are led to a deep relationship with God who provides the ultimate healing. This publication...
Anger is part of everyone's life to some degree. It affects our attitudes, our personal happiness, and it can be a wedge between our closest relations...
Have you ever been instrumental in bringing someone to the Lord? Most Christians may list their children, which is commendable, but commonly, Christians wish they knew how to lead a friend or relative to Jesus. This book is a step by step process for forming natural spiritual relationships so that you will have a gradual and relaxed opportunity to witness your life to others and lead them to the truth as found in the Bible. This book began as a class taught to Christian prisoners to train them for leading their fellow prisoners to Jesus. The teachings are fundamental. The lost have a common...
Have you ever been instrumental in bringing someone to the Lord? Most Christians may list their children, which is commendable, but commonly, Christia...
Grace is a highly used word in Christian circles and doctrines, but what is it? One definition that is probably most prominent: "God's unmerited favor." Usually, this is construed as God's forgiveness of our sins. A study of the Bible shows that God's grace is much more than favor; it is God's power working in us to accomplish his will. Paul wrote, "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." Philippians 2:13 God's grace is the power of God working within us "to will and to act according to his good purpose." Grace is the sacrifice of God to bring...
Grace is a highly used word in Christian circles and doctrines, but what is it? One definition that is probably most prominent: "God's unmerited favor...
As Christians, we believe that we are saved. But what does that mean? What do we mean by lost, and what do we mean by saved? Saved from what? And how is one lost? If we want to reach the lost, we must be able to describe to the lost what we mean by "lost." If we invite them to become saved, then we must be able to articulate what they are to be saved from. We need to be able to describe in detail what a saved life looks like, how to receive this salvation and how this salvation works in everyday life. Why would someone want to be saved if they did not realize how they were lost? Why would...
As Christians, we believe that we are saved. But what does that mean? What do we mean by lost, and what do we mean by saved? Saved from what? And how ...
Can God be seen in his creation? What is his creation? Is it limited to stars, planets and the earth? Is there something much more beyond our physical sight, yet right before our eyes? Apostle Paul wrote, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20 Discover God's marvelous beauty with a deeper look into his creation-and witness God's eternal power and divine nature.
Can God be seen in his creation? What is his creation? Is it limited to stars, planets and the earth? Is there something much more beyond our physical...
When asked, what separates us from God, I think most would answer that it is our sin. This is most certainly true, but the answer to the next question is not so straight forward-why do we sin? Why did Lucifer, one of God's most magnificent creatures, choose to defy God's sovereignty? Why did Adam and Eve sin by choosing to believe a serpent rather than God? The Bible tells us that we have a sinful nature; what is the essence of that nature? Both Lucifer (the devil's name before his fall) and man were created in a very high state. How could they have wanted more than what God had already given...
When asked, what separates us from God, I think most would answer that it is our sin. This is most certainly true, but the answer to the next question...
What does it mean to "preach the gospel"? If you were to go out and preach the gospel, what would you preach? Paul wrote that in the gospel is the power of God to save. What is this gospel message? Gospel means "good news." The good news was preceded by bad news. We must understand the bad news if we are to proclaim the good news. The forgiveness of our sins through Jesus Christ is certainly good news, but there is much more good news found in Jesus Christ. This study reveals this good news to anyone who is seeking. It will also equip those who desire to fulfill the call upon them to go out...
What does it mean to "preach the gospel"? If you were to go out and preach the gospel, what would you preach? Paul wrote that in the gospel is the pow...
Most of us would like to be more fruitful Christians. Most of us would also like to be less vulnerable to the attacks of the evil one. At first glance these may seem to be unrelated topics, but the Bible clearly reveals that an unfruitful life is a life vulnerable to the devil's schemes, temptations and attacks, and that the fruit of the Holy Spirit forms a spiritual wall to defend us against our spiritual enemies. This study teaches how to build a strong spiritual house, in obedience to Jesus Christ, that will stand when struck by the torrents of this life. The applications extend from the...
Most of us would like to be more fruitful Christians. Most of us would also like to be less vulnerable to the attacks of the evil one. At first glance...