Presents a collection of folktales in the Herati dialect of the Afghan Persian language, in Latin-based transliteration and English translation, supplied by phonetic and grammatical commentaries, explanations of cultural terms, and preceded by an introduction with a review of the Herati dialect. Based on academically informed fieldwork and presented in a scientific fashion, the materials were collected by the author during field research in Afghanistan in the 1980s from illiterate dialect speakers (a category which has preserved the dialect the most in terms of purity and entirety).
Presents a collection of folktales in the Herati dialect of the Afghan Persian language, in Latin-based transliteration and English translation, suppl...
This book provides a range of original translated documents from the late 19th and early 20th century on the development of the Baha i/Babi communities.
This book provides a range of original translated documents from the late 19th and early 20th century on the development of the Baha i/Babi communitie...