Created by Lockheeds brilliant designer Kelly Johnson, the SR-71 Blackbird is one of the most legendary aircraft to emerge from the famous "Skunk Works". Capable of Mach 3 flight, the SR-71 could survey 100,000 miles of the earths surface from an altitude of 80,000 feet. The SR-71 holds a coast-to-coast speed record of 64 minutes flown at over 2100 m.p.h.
The SR-71 flew from 1964-1998 for the USAF (with a brief retirement from 1989- 1995), and completed over 17,000 sorties and over 11,500 hours at Mach 3. During that time 12 of the 32 aircraft produced were lost in accidents, although...
Created by Lockheeds brilliant designer Kelly Johnson, the SR-71 Blackbird is one of the most legendary aircraft to emerge from the famous "Skunk Work...