BEHIND THE PREACHER'S DOOR deals particularly with the problems and temptations that preachers face and fall prey too. A number of authors contributed articles to this project.
BEHIND THE PREACHER'S DOOR deals particularly with the problems and temptations that preachers face and fall prey too. A number of authors contributed...
A bible study of people with significant contributions to our knowledge of responding to God. Chapters on the following characters: Barnabas, Rehoboam, Habakkuk, Epaphroditus, Paul, Dorcas, Nathan, Nehemiah, Justus, Caleb, Philip, John Mark and Mary Magdalene. From the editors, staff and writers of Expository Files.
A bible study of people with significant contributions to our knowledge of responding to God. Chapters on the following characters: Barnabas, Rehoboam...