"Waters of the Sanjan is fiction based on fact, woven around the life of a known (Masai) warrior who lived at the turn of the century. It is an historical novel and the events portrayed were not unusual in the life of a warrior of those times. The customs and traditions are accurate; the places where events took place are real places and to date still go by the same name. The Waters of the Sanjan, translated literally, Inkariak-oo-Sanjan, means "The Waters of Sweehearts," and in fact is a place that lies to the North of the famous treeless undulating savannah known the world over as The...
"Waters of the Sanjan is fiction based on fact, woven around the life of a known (Masai) warrior who lived at the turn of the century. It is an histor...
Loito and the Lioness is an authentic Masai legend, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tells how a Masai boy and a lioness become friends by helping each other, resulting in a lasting connection between the lions and the Purko clan of the Masai. The story is followed by some interesting facts about the Masai in East Africa.
Loito and the Lioness is an authentic Masai legend, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tell...
Namasi, the shoe maker, is an authentic Masai legend, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tells the story of how the Ndorobo came to think that they are smarter than the Masai. The story is followed by some interesting facts about the Masai in East Africa.
Namasi, the shoe maker, is an authentic Masai legend, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It te...
Rain God of the Wambulu is an authentic Mbulu legend, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tells the story of how the Mbulu tribe in East Africa came to know their Rain God. The story is followed by some interesting facts about the Masai and Mbulu tribes in East Africa.
Rain God of the Wambulu is an authentic Mbulu legend, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It te...
The Honey Bird is an authentic Masai story, written for children in English and KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tells the story of how the Masai and the honey bird work together. The story is followed by some interesting facts about the Masai and Ndorobo tribes in East Africa.
The Honey Bird is an authentic Masai story, written for children in English and KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tells the story...
The Hornbill and the Mongoose is an authentic Masai story, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It tells the story of a very special relationship between two different species of animals. The story is followed by some interesting facts about the Masai in East Africa.
The Hornbill and the Mongoose is an authentic Masai story, written for children in English and in KiSwahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. ...
Loito und die Lowin ist eine authentische Massailegende, die hier fur Kinder niedergeschrieben wurde. Sie beschreibt wie ein Massaijunge und eine Lowin zu Freunden wurden, indem sie einander halfen und wie dies zu einer langen Verbindung zwischen den Lowen und dem Purkoclan der Massai fuhrte. Der Text ist in englisch und swahili. Der Geschichte folgen einige interessante Fakten uber die Massai in Ostafrika.
Loito und die Lowin ist eine authentische Massailegende, die hier fur Kinder niedergeschrieben wurde. Sie beschreibt wie ein Massaijunge und eine Lowi...
Namasi, der Schuhmacher, ist eine lustige, authentische Massailegende, die hier fur Kinder niedergeschrieben wurde. Sie beschreibt wie die Ndorobo zu denken begannen, dass sie schlauer als die Massai seien. Der Geschichte folgen einige interessante Fakten uber die Massai in Ostafrika.
Namasi, der Schuhmacher, ist eine lustige, authentische Massailegende, die hier fur Kinder niedergeschrieben wurde. Sie beschreibt wie die Ndorobo zu ...