"JESUS SMILES (a meditation)" invites the reader into a reading meditation on pure love, profound calm, intuitive wisdom and personal freedom. This work complements the book "THE CHRIST I KNOW (an adoration)," also by Raj Arumugam.
"JESUS SMILES (a meditation)" invites the reader into a reading meditation on pure love, profound calm, intuitive wisdom and personal freedom. This wo...
"Stories from our world" by Raj Arumugam offers stories that come from the world that is ours...a world that cuts across time to ancient origins and that cuts across distance and across various cultures and countries. The stories also cut across various modes of thought and expression. These are stories that are specially chosen by Raj Arumugam for their personal impact on his life and thought over the years. Here are stories about Chuang Tzu and Li Po from China; a folk-tale from India; stories of Nasrudin from the Middle East; stories about Socrates and Diogenes; fables and parables from...
"Stories from our world" by Raj Arumugam offers stories that come from the world that is ours...a world that cuts across time to ancient origins and t...
"Whispers from the Forests (a personal reading of the Upanishads)" by Raj Arumugam is a reading of the Upanishads in various translations. The Upanishads (composed some time between 800 and 200 BCE) are a call to the individual for freedom in one's spiritual life - a call to the individual to be free of ritual, authority and Text and revelation. The Upanishads challenge us to take responsibility for one's spiritual life - a life free of dogma and organized religion. This book by Raj Arumugam is not an offering of another text, but a reminder to be unconditionally free in one's inquiry of...
"Whispers from the Forests (a personal reading of the Upanishads)" by Raj Arumugam is a reading of the Upanishads in various translations. The Upanish...
Abiding Calm comes through an intuitive grasp of the oneness of all existence. What is the oneness of all existence? It is that approach in which one is mindful of one's connection with the rest of existence - mindful of one's own happiness and the happiness of all beings. The book "Calm Abiding" is designed as an exercise in meditation that will enable the reader, through conscientious practice, achieve a sense of abiding calm within themselves. "Calm Abiding" uses techniques and insights from world faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity) and the secular tradition of positive thinking....
Abiding Calm comes through an intuitive grasp of the oneness of all existence. What is the oneness of all existence? It is that approach in which one ...
These tales flow from the deepest recesses of the mind; stories of the psyche...dark, radiant, sad, funny - but each story insightful of the human condition... Each tale glows with symbolism and levels of meaning and speaks directly to the reader's intuition and insight...
These tales flow from the deepest recesses of the mind; stories of the psyche...dark, radiant, sad, funny - but each story insightful of the human con...
The Golden Buddha, A Meditation is a work of insight and seeing. It invites the reader into the meditation - into seeing into the nature of one's own Buddha nature. In this work, Raj Arumugam, known for his works of deep insight into various world traditions, takes the reader into a unique seeing into Buddhism, the Buddha, truth and the nature of the self. (A color edition of this book is also available.)
The Golden Buddha, A Meditation is a work of insight and seeing. It invites the reader into the meditation - into seeing into the nature of one's own ...
This collection, "Please, O God of Humor and other poems" offers the reader all of Raj Arumugam's poems written in 2009. Raj Arumugam is well-known as a poet through many poetry websites and he delights in the bringing together of our shared inheritance of world art and his insightful poems.
This collection, "Please, O God of Humor and other poems" offers the reader all of Raj Arumugam's poems written in 2009. Raj Arumugam is well-known as...
This edition is the black and white edition of Raj Arumugam's "Faces of the Divine, meditations on the Divine." Faces of the Divine takes the reader on an intuitive voyage of discovery of the great Indian experience of bhakti - the absolute and unconditional love of the Divine. Each reading in this book is an insightful meditation and Raj Arumugam, known for his works of deep insight into our various world traditions, offers the reader a seeing into aspects of the Divine in the great flowering of Bhakti that is both ancient and ever-new. (The book was originally written in English - not a...
This edition is the black and white edition of Raj Arumugam's "Faces of the Divine, meditations on the Divine." Faces of the Divine takes the reader o...
"Voices from the Pit" (1995) is a story of a world of madness and violence set in an imaginary past - but perhaps all too real. "A year later," says Raj Arumugam, "I recognized this world when I first saw illustrations of Goya's Black Paintings." The work was suggested to Raj Arumugam through a dream in 1995 and written in the same year. The work was first published in 2006.
"Voices from the Pit" (1995) is a story of a world of madness and violence set in an imaginary past - but perhaps all too real. "A year later," says R...
...inner peace is never lost; it's always there just below the apparent surface of discord. One simply dives deep enough to see this peace that pervades and that never leaves one, though one may be distracted by insistent diversions...
...inner peace is never lost; it's always there just below the apparent surface of discord. One simply dives deep enough to see this peace that pervad...