All Carter Banks, 47, wanted, was to take his daughter and granddaughter out to his sister's farm, and live happily ever after. Like most Americans he believed in doing good and minding his own business, mostly blissfully unaware of escalating events going on around the country. He felt if he voted for his chosen candidates, that was enough. He would then leave it to the politicians to take care of things. How wrong he was. **** New World Order Rising is about a future war that is very likely to happen. As always, wars begin because the rich and powerful wish to get richer and more powerful....
All Carter Banks, 47, wanted, was to take his daughter and granddaughter out to his sister's farm, and live happily ever after. Like most Americans he...
Book 1 The Abduction Book 2 The New Civil War Book 3 The Next Generation Fights On New World Order Rising is about a future war that is very likely to happen. As always, Wars begin because the rich and powerful wish to get richer and more powerful. But of course it won't be the rich and powerful doing the fighting. The most powerful cartel ever to exist, the Illuminati, after hundreds of years, are finally ready to take over the world, create a one-world government, religion, army, and to eliminate 85% of the world's population. They have an army of super-soldiers-viciously-trained from...
Book 1 The Abduction Book 2 The New Civil War Book 3 The Next Generation Fights On New World Order Rising is about a future war that is very likely to...
Earth, our planet, is spinning normally on her axis, but conditions on her surface are spinning rapidly out-of-control. The Illuminati, masters of the new world order, globalism, open borders, uncontrolled people migration, and a one-world government, have linked with the Islamic-run UN and the plan of Agenda 21. Officially Agenda 21 means saving the environment and everybody living happily ever after. Unofficially Agenda 21 means elimination of 85% of the world's population, leaving just enough human slaves to care for the elite in their gated communities. The continent of Africa-with the...
Earth, our planet, is spinning normally on her axis, but conditions on her surface are spinning rapidly out-of-control. The Illuminati, masters of the...