Why is America counted as one of the sickest nations in the world? Why are Americans in a continual struggle with their weight? Who stands to gain from these issues? "Living Balanced" reveals the source of most ailments that run rapid in the United States today and can help you to avoid them. Author Stacey Kimbrell exposes the terror in our grocery stores. The Standard American Diet of prepackaged foods containing chemical toxins can have long-term effects on your health. These products, with their manmade ingredients, have now crossed borders and citizens of other nations have begun to...
Why is America counted as one of the sickest nations in the world? Why are Americans in a continual struggle with their weight? Who stands to gain fro...
Porque America es considerada una de las naciones mas enfermas del mundo? Porque americanos estan constantemente laboreando con sus pesos corporal? Quienes son los que ganan con estas situaciones? "Living Balanced" revela la fuente de la mayoria de estas dolecencias que estan activamente corriendo ahora en los Estados Unidos y como evitar que esto le pase a usted. La autora, Stacey Kimbrell expone el terror que esta pasando en nuestras tiendas de combustibles. La norma establecida de la dieta Americana que consiste de alimentos ya preparados y empaquetados conteniendo productos quimicos...
Porque America es considerada una de las naciones mas enfermas del mundo? Porque americanos estan constantemente laboreando con sus pesos corporal? Qu...