The Randwick family is as noble as any but lives in greatly reduced circumstances. When Loel Woodbine, Duke of Marche and heir to three fortunes, makes an offer for Miss Valeria Randwick's hand, it seems like a godsend, but the young lady has already promised her heart to another-and a commoner, at that. Desperate to avoid the marriage, Valeria concocts a wild scheme that depends upon the good graces of her monastery-raised brother, Valentine. When the prospective groom sees through the ruse, he surprises Valentine by agreeing to cooperate. But can Marche and Valentine fool London...
The Randwick family is as noble as any but lives in greatly reduced circumstances. When Loel Woodbine, Duke of Marche and heir to three fortunes, make...
La noble famille Randwick, d origine anglaise, s est exilee en Bretagne apres sa ruine. Quand Loel Woodbine, duc de Marche et heritier d une immense fortune, propose d epouser Valeria Randwick, l occasion parait inesperee, sauf pour la jeune fille qui s est deja promise en secret a un roturier.
Aux abois, elle concocte une mascarade insensee: envoyer sous son nom son frere en Angleterre. Valentin, jeune et naif, sort a peine du monastere ou il a ete eleve. Il accepte, sans realiser ce qui l attend.
Le duc de Marche decouvre rapidement la supercherie, mais, a la grande surprise de...
La noble famille Randwick, d origine anglaise, s est exilee en Bretagne apres sa ruine. Quand Loel Woodbine, duc de Marche et heritier d une immens...