This African crossover is engrossing comedy drama about an African, Uguta Bani Banjuju, who amassed a huge fortune in America, and then dies unexpectedly. One of his last requests was that his brother, Abo Banjuju be brought from Africa for the reading of his last will and testament. While the top executive of Bani, P.C, (Uguta Bani Banjuju's private holding company) Percy Horne goes to Africa to bring back Abo Banjuju to America, a group of powerful, jittery executives, who wanted to take over and control the highly profitable conglomerate, conspired to stop him by fair means or foul from...
This African crossover is engrossing comedy drama about an African, Uguta Bani Banjuju, who amassed a huge fortune in America, and then dies unexpecte...
The Bomba Codex takes us on an intriguing journey through the jungles of Belize into the sophisticated underworld of stolen Mayan antiquities. Watler intricately weaves an extraordinary plot that gives us a touching and intimate peek into the lives of interesting and unique characters we will come to love or hate, all juxtaposed against a refreshing tropical backdrop that gives this novel a unique and relaxing read. The clock is ticking and the stakes are high in this desperate search to locate the only dynamic document known to man with real-time implications for the planet. Fiction or not,...
The Bomba Codex takes us on an intriguing journey through the jungles of Belize into the sophisticated underworld of stolen Mayan antiquities. Watler ...
DRAMA ON CHIRENO BEACH Inspector Shyne arrives at Chireno Beach Village, Belize, to investigate the disappearance of a wealthy American and possibly the murder of his beautiful wife. The questions that confront him are: *Did Mr. Allan Albert Algood 111, burn his own mansion to the ground, murder his wife, and then disappear into the night in his luxury yacht? *Why would a good, caring man do such horrible things? *Or, did a villager or villagers murdered the American and his wife, burned down his mansion, and then burned up or hid his yacht? And is there a mass cover-up being perpetrated by a...
DRAMA ON CHIRENO BEACH Inspector Shyne arrives at Chireno Beach Village, Belize, to investigate the disappearance of a wealthy American and possibly t...