Synopsis: Star Death is a science-based fiction book depicting "sun death" as revealed by the Prophets and as depicted by the Apostle Peter in the Holy Bible. It also parallels scientific estimations of solar entropy as forecast by major astrophysicists who have pushed Relativity Theory to its applicable limits. This book, based on real scientific theorization, is fresh in perspective and presents the laws of thermodynamics in a way never entertained before. The sun, reacting to inputs from the outer reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy, must therefore "negotiate" the "tugs of entropy"; it...
Synopsis: Star Death is a science-based fiction book depicting "sun death" as revealed by the Prophets and as depicted by the Apostle Peter in the...
"We ask scientific questions, because we are Human Beings who are curious, inquisitive, and interested in freely pursuing understanding and knowledge that fulfill our God-given inalienable Rights to learn about "What makes our Universe tick " Evidently, then, "doing Physical Sciences" is an age-appropriate learning activity in which every Human Being can freely engage, even while having a rudimentary knowledge in understanding the relationship between Mathematics and Physics, between conceptualization and actualization, or between decision-making thinking and a freely chosen corresponding...
"We ask scientific questions, because we are Human Beings who are curious, inquisitive, and interested in freely pursuing understanding and knowledge ...