Ten years later, life has taken a dramatic shift in the lives of Justin Lewis, Sandra Lewis and Precious Lewis. With new faces and new problems, the Lewis family works towards overcoming the pains of the past, as they press forward towards the challenges of the future. Change is under way for the three of them, and they must learn the power of forgiveness in order to discover the true power of the secret.
Ten years later, life has taken a dramatic shift in the lives of Justin Lewis, Sandra Lewis and Precious Lewis. With new faces and new problems, the L...
Some say that she's not white, while others say that she tries to act black, well no matter what anyone else says, all that matters is what God says in the end. Shaniqua White is constantly battling it out with her family, friends, and most importantly her identity. Wait until you see what happens next in this fictional confessional of a witty teenage girl gone mad because no one seems to understand her.
Some say that she's not white, while others say that she tries to act black, well no matter what anyone else says, all that matters is what God says i...
Yvette Wilson Bentley Shantae Charles Lloyd Deberry
A human being and a plant have two things in common - they both need LIGHT and WATER to live Yvette candidly mirrors her personal experiences to the story of the Samaritan Woman. She shares how God's light and His Living Water has helped her to build a new life, thereby having to THIRST NO MORE
A human being and a plant have two things in common - they both need LIGHT and WATER to live Yvette candidly mirrors her personal experiences to the ...