On a faraway planet shrouded in obscurity from ancient history, a powerful race lives. Led by the benevolent and evil King Distar, the Annunaki have been preparing for their eventual return to Earth. Only this time, they will not be teachers or the Gods the ancestors once worshipped. It is December 21, 2012.
Seventeen-year-old Adam Dolby is about to have his world torn asunder. As the Annunaki begin to invade and decimate the Earth's resources, Adam's parents confess that they are not his biological parents, but instead are appointed guardians who have been instructed to watch over and...
On a faraway planet shrouded in obscurity from ancient history, a powerful race lives. Led by the benevolent and evil King Distar, the Annunaki hav...
On a faraway planet shrouded in obscurity from ancient history, a powerful race lives. Led by the benevolent and evil King Distar, the Annunaki have been preparing for their eventual return to Earth. Only this time, they will not be teachers or the Gods the ancestors once worshipped. It is December 21, 2012.
Seventeen-year-old Adam Dolby is about to have his world torn asunder. As the Annunaki begin to invade and decimate the Earth's resources, Adam's parents confess that they are not his biological parents, but instead are appointed guardians who have been instructed to watch over and...
On a faraway planet shrouded in obscurity from ancient history, a powerful race lives. Led by the benevolent and evil King Distar, the Annunaki hav...