Three exceptional folk stories written by Petre Ispirescu inaugurate a series of bilingual, illustrated books for children. The first volume consists of "The Wonderful Bird, Youth Without Age and Life Without Death," and "The Morning Star and The Evening Star."
Three exceptional folk stories written by Petre Ispirescu inaugurate a series of bilingual, illustrated books for children. The first volume consists ...
Pictorita, fotograf, jurnalista, Eva Halus a imigrat in Canada in 1989. A studiat in design grafic la Universitatea Concordia, a expus in diferite galerii si a predat cursuri de pictura la adulti si copii.Din 2004 activitatea ei artistica s-a reintersectat cu cultura si comunitatea romana la Montreal. Poeziile ei de debut sint un fel de a dialoga cu diverse aspecte ale vietii, reveland intr-un limbaj cat mai veridic relatia ei cu lumea, in stransa legatura cu imaginea care le acompaniaza. Peintre, photographe et journaliste, Eva Halus a immigree au Canada en 1989. Elle a etudiee le Design...
Pictorita, fotograf, jurnalista, Eva Halus a imigrat in Canada in 1989. A studiat in design grafic la Universitatea Concordia, a expus in diferite gal...
"Eva Halus is an industrious young woman who works a lot both as a teacher of painting, a studio painter and, of course, in spare time, as a poetess, successful in both fields. I think Horaces saying Ut pictura poesis (a poem is like a painting), appeals very well to Evas preoccupations." Traian Gardus - writer "I am very impressed. This is quite a collection of poems that are evenly held together through recurrent themes of nature, spirituality, solitude and a sense of hope (very subtle at times). The collaboration with her art work adds an enforcing visual aspect that binds all together in...
"Eva Halus is an industrious young woman who works a lot both as a teacher of painting, a studio painter and, of course, in spare time, as a poetess, ...