A young man full of hope and aspirations who travels to a new world.
A technology whiz kid who comes to United States from Asia to study Computer Science and aspires to become a Silicon Valley Technologist.
An old world romantic confused by the definition of love in the brave new world.
A true story so imaginative and incredible that no fiction writer could have thought of it.
It begins as a story of ambitions, aspirations and young love at the University of California in 1987. It unfolds in the fast moving world of Hi-Tech industry in Silicon Valley, San...
A young man full of hope and aspirations who travels to a new world.
A technology whiz kid who comes to United States from Asia to study C...
Lektoren Auflage - Muss noch die letzte Korrektur erhalten Editorialer Kommentar:
Hinter dem schrulligen Lacheln des Amazon-Logos verbirgt sich eine kalte und berechnende riesige Maschine. Autor Kalpanik S. offenbart sein eigenes Lacheln, als er die etwas skurrile Geschichte seiner komplexen und oft komischen Beziehung mit Amazon erzahlt. Von seinem anspruchsvollen Witz in der Darstellung seiner Anstellung in "Wie Man In Zehn Tagen Von Amazon Angestellt wird" zu seinem schwarzen Humor in der Zeit der Desillusionierung in "Die Kalte Rechenmaschine" ist Kalpaniks Geschichte mehr...
Lektoren Auflage - Muss noch die letzte Korrektur erhalten Editorialer Kommentar:
Hinter dem schrulligen Lacheln des Amazon-Logos verb...
The author, a noted urban anthropologist (among other things) does not drink, smoke or gamble; his expeditions to Las Vegas, which are carried out once in two to four years, are purely for the purpose of scientific research. This essay describes his horror during his latest visit when he realized the city of sin has transformed into a city of spas. The rest of the book is a good sampling of Kalpanik's tongue-in-cheek writing style including "Inside the Giant Machine: An Amazon-dot-com Story" the book that made the author famous.
The author, a noted urban anthropologist (among other things) does not drink, smoke or gamble; his expeditions to Las Vegas, which are carried out onc...
A beautiful university campus in Davis, a small university town in California.
A young student away from her home in Southern California who needs help writing computer programs for her class.
A foreign born computer scientist who has traveled thousand of miles at the young age of 21 to design computers which can imagine and is working as a teaching assistant at the university.
An old world romantic confused by the new definition of love in the brave new world.
A true story which is better than any fiction.
It begins as a story of an ambitious young...
A beautiful university campus in Davis, a small university town in California.
A young student away from her home in Southern California wh...