The Story of Dada revives some of the most revolutionary art historical events of the 20th Century and introduces the notion of the "Dada-Gene," which the Author believes to enhance creativity.
The Story of Dada revives some of the most revolutionary art historical events of the 20th Century and introduces the notion of the "Dada-Gene," which...
The Computer Aided Art (CAA) images by Rudy Ernst demonstrate how a set of tiny Acrylic paintings of 4"x 6" have been digitally manipulated to become magic images that are printable up to almost any size. Sometimes, Ernst glues them onto Masonite panels or on canvas and subsequently paints them over again. The results are nothing short of magical and could neither be achieved by conventional painting techniques, nor by straight digital designs.
The Computer Aided Art (CAA) images by Rudy Ernst demonstrate how a set of tiny Acrylic paintings of 4"x 6" have been digitally manipulated to become ...
ANATOMY OF A DADA MIND opens a window into Rudy Ernst's artistic creations from the guts that bypass the rationality of his mind. His drawings and writings, as evidenced by the Dada-Drawings, the Dada-Tales and the Dada-Poms, are not the result of previously memorized -or planned- images or writings, but rather the spontaneous products of an on-the-spot creation.
ANATOMY OF A DADA MIND opens a window into Rudy Ernst's artistic creations from the guts that bypass the rationality of his mind. His drawings and wri...
The New York West Side Stories are a collection of contemporaneous events observed over a period of ten years. They are a permanent attempt to get to the point. If there ever was one in the first place ...
The New York West Side Stories are a collection of contemporaneous events observed over a period of ten years. They are a permanent attempt to get to ...
Sculptomania describes how Rudy Ernst became a painter, how his humanoid figures begun to jump out of the canvas to become self contained, and how he became a passionate sculptor over the course of the past twenty-five years. It also shows and talks in detail about his recent Space Sculptures and his Humanoids: the Femalions and the Lilliputs.
Sculptomania describes how Rudy Ernst became a painter, how his humanoid figures begun to jump out of the canvas to become self contained, and how he ...
150 Jahre nach der Geburt und 60 Jahre nach dem Tode von Dr. Rudolf J. Ernst (1865-1956) erweckt der gleichnamige Enkel den Grundervater der UBS in dieser (bis anhin fehlenden) Biografie zu neuem Leben und zeigt auf, wie dieser als Prasident der Bank in Winterthur das Institut durch Ubernahme personlicher Risiken nach Zurich bringt, es dann mit der Toggenburger Bank zur Schweizerischen Bankgesellschaft (SBG/UBS) fusioniert, und hierauf durch weitsichtige Dispositionen das solide Fundament schafft, auf dem Jahzehnte spater die UBS als weltgrosste Vermogensverwaltungs-Firma entsteht. Das 40...
150 Jahre nach der Geburt und 60 Jahre nach dem Tode von Dr. Rudolf J. Ernst (1865-1956) erweckt der gleichnamige Enkel den Grundervater der UBS in di...