The German health care system is on a collision course with budget realities. Costs are high and rising, and quality problems are becoming ever more apparent. Decades of reforms have produced little change to these troubling trends.
Why has Germany failed to solve these cost and quality problems? The reason is that Germany has not set value for patients as the overarching goal, defined as the patient health outcomes achieved per euro expended.
This book lays out an action agenda to move Germany to a high value system: care must be reorganized around patients and their...
The German health care system is on a collision course with budget realities. Costs are high and rising, and quality problems are becoming ever mor...
Die Kosten im deutschen Gesundheitssystem steigen, zugleich werden Qualitatsprobleme immer offensichtlicher trotz aller Reformbemuhungen. Die Autoren gehen davon aus, dass nicht Kostenkontrolle, sondern die Steigerung des Patientennutzens das Ziel ist, das alle Akteure vereinen kann. In zwolf Empfehlungen erklaren sie, wie sich Leistungserbringer im Wettbewerb um Qualitat organisieren sollten, wie Krankenkassen eine aktivere Rolle spielen und das Vergutungssystem kunftig Exzellenz in der Versorgung einzelner Krankheitsbilder belohnen konnte.
Die Kosten im deutschen Gesundheitssystem steigen, zugleich werden Qualitatsprobleme immer offensichtlicher trotz aller Reformbemuhungen. Die Autor...
The German health care system is on a collision course with budget realities. Costs are high and rising, and quality problems are becoming ever more apparent. Decades of reforms have produced little change to these troubling trends.
Why has Germany failed to solve these cost and quality problems? The reason is that Germany has not set value for patients as the overarching goal, defined as the patient health outcomes achieved per euro expended.
This book lays out an action agenda to move Germany to a high value system: care must be reorganized around patients and their...
The German health care system is on a collision course with budget realities. Costs are high and rising, and quality problems are becoming ever mor...