"Grandpa and the Great Raccoon" is a story about three young raccoons, a friendly man who takes care of them, and how they were reunited with their mother. The Great Raccoon meets Grandpa and they become friends, and together they care for their woodland neighbors.
"Grandpa and the Great Raccoon" is a story about three young raccoons, a friendly man who takes care of them, and how they were reunited with their mo...
This is the second story in a series about a group of young raccoons, their adventures with a human friend called Grandpa Larry, and The Great Raccoon - a wise leader in the woodland community.
This is the second story in a series about a group of young raccoons, their adventures with a human friend called Grandpa Larry, and The Great Raccoon...
The MMPI-2-RF represents a paradigm shift in psychology. What was once a black-and-white approach to diagnosis has given way today to a more flexible and more realistic system that recognises a continuum of functioning. This modern way of thinking is reflected in David McCord's approach to interpreting the MMPI-2-RF, which he presents in this handy introductory guide.
The MMPI-2-RF represents a paradigm shift in psychology. What was once a black-and-white approach to diagnosis has given way today to a more flexible ...