Anil Kumar Singh Jagdish Chander Dagar Ayyanadar Arunachalam
It is well known that the impacts of climate change are tangible and hence there can be no debate about the need for appropriate adaptation measures, on a priority basis. However, it is equally important to recognize the fact that adaptation measures actually represent a dynamic synthesis of interventions pertaining to multiple systems. These are particularly of water, soil characteristics, genotypic and phenotypic variations and their expressions, age-correlated biochemical changes aligned with planting schedules and favorable weather/climate conditions. Nutrients, occurrence and...
It is well known that the impacts of climate change are tangible and hence there can be no debate about the need for appropriate adaptation measure...
Jagdish Chander Dagar Anil Kumar Singh Ayyanadar Arunachalam
This book gathers and classifies available information into different system ecologies, problems and solutions, and converges them into a policy support study of India, which has long practiced agroforestry and helped to foster scientific developments.
This book gathers and classifies available information into different system ecologies, problems and solutions, and converges them into a policy suppo...
Anil Kumar Singh Jagdish Chander Dagar Ayyanadar Arunachalam
It is well known that the impacts of climate change are tangible and hence there can be no debate about the need for appropriate adaptation measures, on a priority basis. The recent focus on climate change and impacts has provided the necessary impetus to reorganize the framework of investigation to capture the specifics of such impacts.
It is well known that the impacts of climate change are tangible and hence there can be no debate about the need for appropriate adaptation measures, ...
This book, the only one of its kind on ravine lands, reflects the significant advances made over the past two decades in our understanding of gully erosion, its controlling factors, and various aspects of gully erosion.
This book, the only one of its kind on ravine lands, reflects the significant advances made over the past two decades in our understanding of gully er...