Journey from Gauntlet to Paradise begins with author Roger Vincent's early years as a curly-haired little boy on Grandma's Hill Farm and follows the author and his wife through their life travels. A thrilling, awe-inspiring journey awaits all who venture along with author Roger Vincent, and the love of his life, Betty May, as they journey through over sixty national parks along the way. We all live in critical times, times that are crucial and sometimes even dangerous. The Bible informs us that God is a God of exclusive devotion, but who can manage to do that? Vincent tells us not to worry...
Journey from Gauntlet to Paradise begins with author Roger Vincent's early years as a curly-haired little boy on Grandma's Hill Farm and follows the a...
Journey from Gauntlet to Paradise begins with author Roger Vincent's early years as a curly-haired little boy on Grandma's Hill Farm and follows the author and his wife through their life travels. A thrilling, awe-inspiring journey awaits all who venture along with author Roger Vincent, and the love of his life, Betty May, as they journey through over sixty national parks along the way. We all live in critical times, times that are crucial and sometimes even dangerous. The Bible informs us that God is a God of exclusive devotion, but who can manage to do that? Vincent tells us not to worry...
Journey from Gauntlet to Paradise begins with author Roger Vincent's early years as a curly-haired little boy on Grandma's Hill Farm and follows the a...